Bone morphogenetic protein signaling: the pathway and its regulation
Akiyama, T., Raftery, LA., and Wharton, KA.
Genetics. 2024 Feb 7;226(2):iyad200.
Differential heparan sulfate-dependency of the Drosophila glypicans
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The feedback regulator Nord controls Dpp/BMP signaling via extracellular interaction with Dally in Drosophila wing
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Somatic clones heterozygous for recessive disease alleles of BMPR1A exhibit unexpected phenotypes in Drosophila
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Regulation of neuroblast proliferation by surface glia in the Drosophila larval brain
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Drosophila models of FOP provide mechanistic insight
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A large bioactive BMP ligand with distinct signaling properties is produced by alternative proconvertase processing
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Novel contact-dependent bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling mediated by heparan sulfate proteoglycans
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Dally regulates Dpp morphogen gradient formation by stabilizing Dpp on the cell surface
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Expression of a secreted form of Dally, a Drosophila glypican, induces overgrowth phenotype by affecting action range of Hedgehog.
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In vivo hyaluronan synthesis upon expression of the mammalian hyaluronan synthase gene in Drosophila
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